Why doesn't FFG have a more pronounced "Fan Demo Team" for Dust Warfare/Tactics

By Neomaxim2, in Dust Tactics

Just an odd question… but I find myself constantly wondering why a game as good as Dust (both of them), has so little local presence. It occurs to me that our local game store has a Press Ganger constantly showing/organizing Warmachine/Hordes events, a Henchman showing off Malifaux, etc… and yet Dust advocacy is left to me, in all my unofficial glory. :-p

I love Dust Tactics and Warfare. I have played WH40k, Warmachine, Malifaux (which I also love albeit in an utterly different way), and a few other systems, but Dust is the one that won my heart. I now own every single Axis/Ally unit, all expansions, all campaign books, and have begun SSU as a faction. I've tried to be a good steward of the game, and am meticulously painting everything so that any demo game I am asked to do will have an amazing table presence.

And for all that, I just wish I had something formal in the way of support. NO ONE… literally within forty-five minutes in any direction plays Dust in any organized way, and based on shelf allocations, the store barely knows it exists. All this, mind you, as someone not in the middle of nowhere, but someone just about an hour-and-half north of New York City.

I know this is a kind of meandering commentary… but for a game so incredibly supported in terms of releases, is anyone else surprised by the virtual invisibilty of the game at your local level?

This question was asked over at the DustWar forums. Some good advice in this thread .

It'll pretty much be on you. Set up a demo day with a friend. Know the rules inside and out, have some info handy (where to get it/cost/a quick reference sheet/etc). Keep doing it until you can create a presence. Eventually, it'll get the attention of your FLGS, and they'll have to stock it and run some Dust events.

Agreed. Our group in Washington State grew from nothing on me and my buddies sweat. FFG just doesn't do that for any of their games, their marketing has always been less than stellar.

I had just asked this same question a few days ago here. FFG really should change this. Right now I have the original set and the revised so I don't know if it's enough to start running demo games. Plus I'm still working on painting everything before I get more. If they had a demo program it seems to me they would do so much better in building up a fan base.

moffmalthus said:

I had just asked this same question a few days ago here. FFG really should change this. Right now I have the original set and the revised so I don't know if it's enough to start running demo games. Plus I'm still working on painting everything before I get more. If they had a demo program it seems to me they would do so much better in building up a fan base.

That's plenty. Put a nice paint job on 'em, and make up a couple balanced lists and throw a demo.

It would just be nice to have some sort of guidlines to go by. I don't want to make the game look bad because I'm still really new at it. I did demo's for WH40k years ago and they spelled everything out for you and you had a whole kit to go by etc… once I get all the figures painted up and fully learn the rules I will do the best I can then.

Blkdymnd were in WA is your group? I live and work between Bellingham and Seattle, but do not know of any groups that play in that area.

CDAT said:

Blkdymnd were in WA is your group? I live and work between Bellingham and Seattle, but do not know of any groups that play in that area.

we're down in Olympia. Play at Olympic Cards and Comics in Lacey. We just had a big tourney this last weekend and planning one for the end of February maybe. Our group is very active on the Dust Facebook page, or I'll post what we do in the Organized Play section here and on the Warfare Organized Play section.