KV-3 A new camo scheme?

By Major Mishap, in Dust Tactics

I don't often post my models as they don't really look any different to anybody else's, but its cold and snowing outside so I did not want to go out and attempt to spray it my normal Russian Tank Green spray and noticed thst it looks like the models are now primed in yet another colour think its three now and decided to use that as the base coat. I then looked at my paints and chose Citadel Graveyard Earth as a nice pairing for the green, I then washed it in my new Dark Shade from Army Painter (not the dip) thinking it was a dark brown but its a black but I think it came out as pretty good colour scheme I've not seen elsewhere.


Very nice !!!! I believe these are primed in a tan'ish/green color. I was not crazy about it but I like what you have done with it.

I love the wear and tear shown on the vehicle…..very good job