So, I'm new to warhammer rpg as I was recently invited to come give it a try by a friend who runs a group (he basically brought me on as filler since he couldn't get enough of his other regulars from other rpgs). So after getting a lot of the books and reading my butt off to decide what to play, I end up choosing a Salamander apothecary. After asking the GM(friend who invited me) how to use some of the crafting based skills available he said he didnt know and would look into it for the next session.
He said he was using Black Crusade rules to help fix combat, and we would be tweeking our house combat rules as we test them (he says default rules are too overpowered).
Anyway, not being able to wait, I spent the next few days doing nothing but collecting all the rules I could from the books and forums. After presenting it to him he said the crafting rules where still to vague AND that he was just going to cut crafting entirely.
Reason: He said that acording to the lore, space marines don't get to keep anything, ever, because they don't know how to build anything anymore. And thats why a space marine suit is worth more than the marine. So crafting AND craftmanship rules got amputated entirely based on that.
EDIT: Although, I have a feeling hes only saying that, because he said "This is why I don't like playing with you ___, you always try and do complicated #$%*."
And I respect the fact that hes the GM and hes running the game "his way", I still feel hes just being lazy and using lore as an excuse (but I'm new, so I'm not 100% sure).
So, what I'm wondering is, if there is actually Lore that supports the given rules that allow crafting/craftmanship/item ownership? And, if there is a more comprehensive crafting guide/rulebook/rule-amalgamation ?
I'm currently running a Salamander who can't even use his solo mode ability (let alone craft/use Artificer) because I'm not suppoesd to be able to own/craft anything.
It's heresy!~