Begineers V Core

By Rimmer1, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

It's all been pretty much covered, but I'd just like to add:

You should have just not bought it when it came in. It's not like your FLGS had to bend over backwards and call in favours to bring the Beginner Game to you - they probably got a crate of 'em. It's not hard to say, "oops, sorry guys, this product isn't what I thought it was going to be, and I don't want it anymore. Sorry about that." The store employees surely wouldn't have batted an eye, as they could easily sell the copy to somebody else.

I think you, as you say, 'geeked out', and just had to get that box home and tear it open, even though you knew it wasn't what you wanted. And when you did, you felt foolish because it (wait for it…) wasn't what you wanted. These are just my impressions, of course - I don't know you or your thoughts.

Anyway, it's yours now… maybe there's a little junior roleplayer in your life somewhere who could have fun with the set?

I. J. Thompson said:

It's all been pretty much covered, but I'd just like to add:

You should have just not bought it when it came in. It's not like your FLGS had to bend over backwards and call in favours to bring the Beginner Game to you - they probably got a crate of 'em. It's not hard to say, "oops, sorry guys, this product isn't what I thought it was going to be, and I don't want it anymore. Sorry about that." The store employees surely wouldn't have batted an eye, as they could easily sell the copy to somebody else.

I think you, as you say, 'geeked out', and just had to get that box home and tear it open, even though you knew it wasn't what you wanted. And when you did, you felt foolish because it (wait for it…) wasn't what you wanted. These are just my impressions, of course - I don't know you or your thoughts.

Anyway, it's yours now… maybe there's a little junior roleplayer in your life somewhere who could have fun with the set?

Esentially, yes, I could have cancelled the purchase, but I felt bad. My FLGS is very small and does not stock this as a standard line, they went to the trouble of getting it in for me, and bearing in mind I live in New Zealand. But at the end of the day, I was the idiot who ordered it, I'm the idiot who will pay, thats just my own personal opinion, but as you said, it was only $50 bucks (NZ$)

The geeking out happened when I first learned of a new SW RPG, not so much when I actually got the box set.

Unfortunatly my little guy is only just turned four, so a little early, at least I will get some use out of it, the dice, YT-1300 map and box will come in handy so not totally wasted here, or at least not untill the core book comes out.

Already pre ordered, as is the GM Screen and dice pack.

Well I think you are among many of us who have bought the Beginner Box if only to somewhat ease our anticipation in waiting for the Core Rulebook, even if some of us have the Beta book. Having the actual book, with the actual art, and all the rules updates, et al is very exciting considering how much I am enjoying the game. If you are getting another die pack then you will have plenty of the dice too, as well as two more adventures (one in the Rulebook and one in the GM pack). It's just the wait. Ah well.

Rimmer1 said:

A Box, that advertises itself as being a complete role plying game, can be expected prima facie to have certain aspects, chargen would be one of them.

Now a to my seemng whining about some cruel evil company that has just stolen my money, please point me to a single post where I do this, I have always throughout this thread admitted that it was me who did not fully realise what I was buying untill to late, all I have ever done and or said, was that I was disapointed by my purchase.

As to your supposed points, you went ahead and though someone was "dissing" [sP] your favourite RPG company and went all nerd rage, acting indignant and all high and mighty, defending your game from any critisism, when it didn't need defending at all as it wasent being attacked.

1. I brought the box set, I am disapointed with it, as a customer, this is my right

2. Whos fault is this, well nobodies really, "You can't please everyone" not everybody will like it but if some sort of blame is to be assignd then I guess the dragons share will be to me for incomplete reasearch.

Now stop acting all precious when someone even suggestes something remotly not good with your little game, your acting like a Palladium fanboy.

The parts you highlighed don't support your claim that FFG claimed it was a COMPLETE RPG. It is a COMPLETE Adventure (as Advertised) and a COMPLETE Standalone Experience as FFG claimed.

Neither of those sentences or any other part of the box text claims it is a COMPLETE RPG.

Kallabecca said:

Rimmer1 said:

A Box, that advertises itself as being a complete role plying game, can be expected prima facie to have certain aspects, chargen would be one of them.

Now a to my seemng whining about some cruel evil company that has just stolen my money, please point me to a single post where I do this, I have always throughout this thread admitted that it was me who did not fully realise what I was buying untill to late, all I have ever done and or said, was that I was disapointed by my purchase.

As to your supposed points, you went ahead and though someone was "dissing" [sP] your favourite RPG company and went all nerd rage, acting indignant and all high and mighty, defending your game from any critisism, when it didn't need defending at all as it wasent being attacked.

1. I brought the box set, I am disapointed with it, as a customer, this is my right

2. Whos fault is this, well nobodies really, "You can't please everyone" not everybody will like it but if some sort of blame is to be assignd then I guess the dragons share will be to me for incomplete reasearch.

Now stop acting all precious when someone even suggestes something remotly not good with your little game, your acting like a Palladium fanboy.

The parts you highlighed don't support your claim that FFG claimed it was a COMPLETE RPG. It is a COMPLETE Adventure (as Advertised) and a COMPLETE Standalone Experience as FFG claimed.

Neither of those sentences or any other part of the box text claims it is a COMPLETE RPG.

And yet again, I have never said FFG misled me in any way, obviously I took the word "COMPLETE" in an erronious way, please stop with the straw man arguments against statements I have not made.

mouthymerc said:

Well I think you are among many of us who have bought the Beginner Box if only to somewhat ease our anticipation in waiting for the Core Rulebook, even if some of us have the Beta book. Having the actual book, with the actual art, and all the rules updates, et al is very exciting considering how much I am enjoying the game. If you are getting another die pack then you will have plenty of the dice too, as well as two more adventures (one in the Rulebook and one in the GM pack). It's just the wait. Ah well.

The Waiting, the bane of any true role player, well that and TPK's