Typesetting and Layout fan art pack for Anima

By Technaton, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Hello everybody,

I am currently creating an Anima campaign. Since quite some time, I've made it a habit to typeset my campaigns and adventures; I'm planning to open-source and release them to the general public. A domain and a basic website exists, but has no content yet: http://www.dungeon-gazette.com/

I want to do the same thing with my Anima campaign. Basically, I'm going to create an "adventure book" and aim for the best quality which is possible for me, both in text as in graphics. When I'm finished and the campaign has been player-tested, I'm going to release them under a CC-BY-SA licence. This basically means that everybody may use the material, may use the source-code, alter the text, graphics and source-code and re-release it, as long as I'm named as the original author. I do NOT want to sell it or in any other way attach a price label to it.

I'm typesetting everything in LaTeX.

Because it is an Anima adventure, it would be very nice if it would have the looks of the original books. Sometimes, publishers release fan packs with some basic artwork and even graphics in print quality, e.g. page backgrounds, page borders, box graphics, and so on.

Does Fantasy Flight Games do something similar for Anima? If yes, where can I find it and what license is attached to it?

The license is quite important for me, because I want to (a) open-source my work, and (b) be able to possibly receive donations for it without violating some fair use copyright law. That's why I explicitly mentioned the content license I would like to choose (CC-BY-SA).

Every answer is very much appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance

--- Eric


for fonts and page-backgrounds: I have found some on an german anima fan pages ( http://hokuwo.de/?page_id=53 ). I don't know, if the download-links are still working or not, but you can try it. The backgrounds are called "Seitenhintergründe" and the fonts "Schriftarten/Fonts". I can't say, if they are official provided and what license is useable.

If you find a way, to get LaTeX to choose different page-backgrounds for even and uneven pages, I would be happy, if you share your wisdom with me ;-)

(because I tried it, but never found a working way).

So long,


thanks for the link! The background images link is broken, but I contacted the site owner and I guess it'll be fixed soon.

For the TeX odd/even page question, you'll need to use the AddEveryPageHook to check for odd/even pages and then insert a background picture based on that. I'd recommend the wallpaper package for the latter.

Basically, its the solution described here: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/44984/addeverypagehook-just-checks-the-first-page

Thanks for the "AddEverypagehook", it sounds perfect for my needs.

For the backgrounds: I don't know how fast the siteowner is, but I had a copy of this files on my laptop:


So long,

EDIT: If you need the fonts, I have also a copy on my laptop

Whee! Thank you very much! :)

Hi, i was searching for the fonts for a while but the link on the german site is broken, can you provide those also?


You may want to ask around on the Cypher Studios (official) forums. The game's creator has been very supportive of fan efforts, even going so far as to give permission for the release of some basic rules in a fan written introductory adventure, and he does read those forums pretty regularly.


Thanks for the hint! I thought Cipher Studios was explicitly the creator of Anima Tactics only…?

For everybody who is interested, here's what my Style file looks like for the page backgrounds and for the placement of the page number:

% Set alternating background pictor for odd/even pages:


% Create the slotmachine look for the page numbers:



\ifnum\value{page}<10 0\fi
\ifnumvalue{page}<100 0\fi

Technaton said:


Thanks for the hint! I thought Cipher Studios was explicitly the creator of Anima Tactics only…?

My memory on things is a little fuzzy. If I recall correctly the forums that Cipher now hosts were originally hosted by Edge Entertainment after Fantasy Flight took it over/bought it out/whatever.

And even if my memory is wrong, it says its the official forums, and that's the only place that Mr. Aparicio posts and interacts with fans. (-:

My bad, you were totally right. Just missed the RPG part of the forums entirely, sorry.

I created a similar post there: http://cipher-studios.com/AnimaBB/index.php?topic=6596.msg80316 and labelled it explicitly as crosspost. Let's see what happens! :)

Thanks for the hint, SilverElf4!