How would one start one himself,
How would one find a game someone else has made?
what would one need to play and/or make one happen
How would one start one himself,
How would one find a game someone else has made?
what would one need to play and/or make one happen
Well, it's certainly possible to do an online game of Deathwatch, just like it can be done for any of the other games. I recommend setting up a wiki so that you can gather things like character sheets, house rules, background and other material in a place accessible by all your players (see signature for examples). Then you need to decide on how you want to approach the game itself. You could run it via VoIP like Skype, or use a text-based chat like one of the many IRC clients and servers. The latter would also enable usage of so-called dicebots, automated scripts that log in as secondary clients and react on player input by randomly generating numbers for everyone to see. There is a number of such tools available on the interwebs, for playing P&P online has become fairly common these days. Lastly, you could also use an online whiteboard like CoSketch or Dabbleboard for realtime map drawing/sharing.
As for finding players or existing games … well, use a forum like this one here, or one of the many 40k fan forums across the web. There you should be able to find the largest number of potentially interested people.
Good luck!
i am currently running a dark heresy campaign online. it's been going on weekly for over a year now. we've made a few forays into the other 40k games like deathwatch and black crusade as well and rogue trader and only war are on the horizon. anyway, i'm sure there are many different ways to get an online game up and running but here's how i do it:
we use skype for voice chat, and maptools for maps and dice rolling as well as token tool for tokens. so i downloaded those first. all free. i then decided on a day and time schedule and posted on a forum recruiting players. the roster filled pretty quickly and although we had a few drop out here and there for various reasons, they were quickly replaced by others. at one point i had a waitling list long enough to make a second full group of six. the first session was spent creating characters and going over house rules and questions/ clarifications then a short intro adventure and we've been playing ever since.
the biggest hurdle is finding someone to GM. i've seen MANY forum posts start with a player looking for a GM and/or group and the only replies are from other players saying they would also be interested in joining. before you know it they have more than enough people to start a group but no one wants to run it so it never gets started.
Another useful tool, that I think is great, is Roll20. Just goggle it. Its basically a free service, ( it has some paid enhancements if you want them), that is set up specifically from table top RPG games. It takes you a little while to set it up, but includes a lot of tools and features like voice and video chat, roll bot like functions, and loads of other tools. You can import, or even google search for images to use as tokens.
But like one of the other posters said, finding someone to GM is the hard part.
^ Indeed - we will likely use Roll20 ourselves as it was recently proposed by one of my group. However, preliminary tests found that the software's dice roll mechanism appears flawed, apparently not being able to truly randomise numbers… so perhaps you may want to experiment with its dice a bit before playing. That being said, dice rolls could simply be made elsewhere, whilst Roll20 still offers a very neat maptool.
Thanks for all the replies / help ;L In a few months I might well just Gm a game then for I love GM'ing to an extent ,
But, as I might not have said earlier, I am right now just looking for a group that is allready in motion due to really wanting to use this **** character i have locked up xD
I mean Black Templar Techmarine that has an iresistable urge to teach (even going against his natural feelings of solitude when around others) is a character I could bare to let go to waste :3
I would like to join a online community I am new at the whole role playing game…
By far the easiest way to run a game of Deathwatch online is to download Maptools from than download and open the Warhammer 40K DW/DH/RT/BC/OW campagin file (this is called a framework) and use the tools they have built. You can set up a game server (from inside Maptools) and players can log on. The framework includes automation to track and resolve most rules (at least those related to combat), store and edit characters, a chat window for interaction, and a tacticall map into which you can instert tokens with custom images. I also normally use Skype to allow voice chat between players and GM as typeing is time consuing. Granted this has something of a learning curve but if you expend the effort its well worth it. Feel free to PM me on here if you need some assistance. (The RPTools forum and wiki are also very helpful.)
RPTools Program launch site
40K framework.
By far the easiest way to run a game of Deathwatch online is to download Maptools from than download and open the Warhammer 40K DW/DH/RT/BC/OW campagin file (this is called a framework) and use the tools they have built. You can set up a game server (from inside Maptools) and players can log on. The framework includes automation to track and resolve most rules (at least those related to combat), store and edit characters, a chat window for interaction, and a tacticall map into which you can instert tokens with custom images. I also normally use Skype to allow voice chat between players and GM as typeing is time consuing. Granted this has something of a learning curve but if you expend the effort its well worth it. Feel free to PM me on here if you need some assistance. (The RPTools forum and wiki are also very helpful.)
RPTools Program launch site
40K framework.
Another option, a spotty option but I have run one successfully and seen several fail due to life complications, is the play by post. Essentially a forum game, I've actually been trying to regroup my old one if anyone is interested, not that I'm plugging my own potential game. Its an option that is lax on schedule and time and in my experience allows for fairly fast progression (depending on participation frequency) and as deep as desired RP.
It works if you make it work, I had a blast for the 18 months mine ran with at most 16 players at once. Big reason why I was trying to regroup it was that my group in person died off it seems.
^ I would be very excited to play in an online Deathwatch game, if you're still considering opening it up, The Russian.
I would love to jump into a deathwatch campaign or start one hit me up.
I began making my own tokens via PrintScreen + Photoshop and the Deathwatch Enhanced Edition game by
I am gonna make more of these for my online gaming!