Return of the Reanimator - Crawling Hands and more…

By Mr. K, in Mansions of Madness

Ususal apologies if these have been covered - but the search function on the forum seems to be a bit broken!

1. Crawling Hands keeper action: 1 Threat per hand OR 1 Threat to move ALL hands?

2. Can Crawling hands be killed? If so, how? If not, how do new corpse markers get Crawling hand tokens?

3. When a corpse marker if turned into a Zombie, are it's Crawling hand tokens removed?

4. On a slightly different note, does Darrell Simmons Camera ability reduce the pool of Zombies?

Many thanks!

Greetings, I happen to have the rule book close;

1. From the Action Card: ' Action : Once per turn per crawling hand token, you may either move the token ……'

From the Mansions of madness rule book P10 & 11: During this step, the keeper may resolve any number of these Keeper Action cards that he wishes (threat permitting). These actions are resolved one at a time by spending (discarding) the appropriate amount of threat (printed on the upper left corner of the Keeper Action card).

Keeper Action Card Breakdown 1. Threat Cost: The amount of threat that the keeper must spend to use this card. 2. Ability: The effect of using this card (prefaced by the word “Action”).

when you perform one action on a keeper action card you have to pay the threat listed. So I would summise that you can move each hand once during a turn but each hand moved would be a separate action and thus would cost you 1 threat per action.

2. From rules: 'If an investigator has a Weapon, he may spend an Action Step to choose one crawling hand token in his current space and remove the token from the board' P3 of the Investigator Guide [Forbbiden Alchemy]

3. Seen nothing in the rules to suggest that they are removed when a Zombie rises. on a similar note I suppose you treat them as monsters in that if you run out and you need to seed two new ones you can destroy two elsewhere on the board. however the offical rule as set out on P25 of the rule book is : Other Tokens: All other tokens are unlimited. If players run out of a token type (such as horror tokens), they should use a suitable replacement (such as a coin) to mark such an effect.

4. From mansions of madness rule book P25: Monster Figures: The keeper may never have more monster figures on the game board than those provided in the game. If an ability lets him place a figure, and all of that type are already on the game board, he may optionally kill one of his monsters in order to place it elsewhere.

I would summise from this that as the monster is not on the board it does not belong to the keeper anymore [it's now darrells] and therefore he cant kill off the monster, actually its already been killed by the investigators. I suppose that means darrells card permenantly removes a monster from the keepers arsenal.

Ta very much! Investigators with a weapon can use an Action to remove Crawling Hnad tokens is the key.

That Crawling Hands Keeper action sure is strangely worded though.


For question 1, I asked FFG that question (back on February 2012) and got a response by Corey Konieczka:

Q: How many crawling hand tokens are affected by a single use of the Crawling Hands Keeper Action card? The "Once per turn per crawling hand token" on the card implies to me that all onboard crawling hand tokens can be moved or text Dexterity with a single usage but others argue that only a singe crawling hand token can be affected per usage.

A: Each time this card is activated the keeper may move ONE crawling hand token.