Dust Tactics Rules for AXIS Air Power

By simpatikool, in Dust Warfare General Discussion

So I went and read the rules for the Axis Air Superiority power in the Dust Tactics for Icarus.

In tactics, air superiority allow Axis Jets to alway make sustained attacks. That is great! I wonder if Warfare is gonna be as good.

Already disappointed about the Prinzluther. In tactics, the command vehicles allow the unit to use its other special actions outside the vehicle while the unit is in the vehicle.

The new Axis Tank Ace is pretty spiffy in tactics. A whole extra action!!

I hope the Warfare supplement this time gives us some love!

simpatikool said:

So I went and read the rules for the Axis Air Superiority power in the Dust Tactics for Icarus.

In tactics, air superiority allow Axis Jets to alway make sustained attacks. That is great! I wonder if Warfare is gonna be as good.

Already disappointed about the Prinzluther. In tactics, the command vehicles allow the unit to use its other special actions outside the vehicle while the unit is in the vehicle.

The new Axis Tank Ace is pretty spiffy in tactics. A whole extra action!!

I hope the Warfare supplement this time gives us some love!

Air Superiority isn't just an axis ability. We don't even know which jets will have it, even for Tactics yet.

blkdymnd said:

simpatikool said:

So I went and read the rules for the Axis Air Superiority power in the Dust Tactics for Icarus.

In tactics, air superiority allow Axis Jets to alway make sustained attacks. That is great! I wonder if Warfare is gonna be as good.

Already disappointed about the Prinzluther. In tactics, the command vehicles allow the unit to use its other special actions outside the vehicle while the unit is in the vehicle.

The new Axis Tank Ace is pretty spiffy in tactics. A whole extra action!!

I hope the Warfare supplement this time gives us some love!

Air Superiority isn't just an axis ability. We don't even know which jets will have it, even for Tactics yet.

The Axis Horton does, for Tactics at least. It's on the card they released.