Darth Sarcastic said:
Also, I have seen on many other forums for many other RPGs and Genres…if the company didn't put something people wanted to see in the game, inventive players lept into action. So I say, IF…IF…FFG does not include Jedi…wait a week…two maybe…I guarantee at least three people will have a working Jedi class or classes posted. In fact that happened on the Beta forums…a few people said "What…no Jedi? Hang on…" and a day or two later they posted something they threw together.
So I think patience is the key. Patience..let's see what FFG puts (or doesn't) in the core book. Patience…let's see how long after that a couple of our fellow posters rectify that situation.
Over on the d20 Radio Forums, there's a few folks, namely myself and Awayputyrwpn, who are working on homebrew material to cover Jedi PCs. So the process has already started. And given the very sharm collection of minds over there, once things get ironed out, they're bound to be pretty kick-ass material.