Donovan Morningfire said:
There's a difference between disagreeing and badgering. Jay Little took time out of his (quite likely) very busy schedule to give folks a peek behind the screen as to what goes in developing a game. I read your replies on the GSA website, and from their tone I give Jay plenty of credit for taking the time to respond to them with as much depth as he did. But quite frankly, you came across as a needy, ungrateful internet troll. And that's not me talking, that's several other folks, most of whom have never seen any of your posts here and thus had no preconcieved notions about what sort of person you were.
You're a math nerd. Your group are math nerds. You've got a giant collective hard-on for math and analyzing things down to the most minute detail. Fine, we get it.
But at the end of the day, FFG has decided the dice system they have in place works just fine and in accordance to what their objectives are, and in spite of all your protests and Skywalker-level whining about how the math doesn't work according to your extensive calculations, they aren't going to change it anytime soon. And from the tone of many of your posts, both in the Beta forum before you decided to take a leave of absence (quite convienently on the same day the Beta feedback submission period ended), there's been little to suggest that you and your group actually enjoyed the game.
As for the lack of full disclosure that seems to be your latest sticking point, there is such a thing as trade secrets, something even Paizo and Evil Hat and WotC have. Perhaps Jay isn't quite ready to pull the curtain all the way back just yet, if ever. And given some of your responses when he did decide to offer up some insight, I wouldn't blame him if he choose to remain quiet on the subject going forward.
Well, I'm sorry that you have so much bile for me and my opposing view points. But maybe watch how you depricate the term "math nerd", especially in this context. If you don't see what I'm getting at, consider re-reading Jay's first article, starting with the title…
I'm also sorry that you have such distaste for my players, who you have never met, and as I've stated before, don't think you can judge.
Finally, and most regretful of all, I'm sorry that you have such a distaste for math and facts. Fine, I'm a math nerd , because frankly, it's my job as an epidemiologist and biostatistican. I use math to improve public health and understand complex systems. The exact same tools can be used to improve the games we're all so passionate about. Sometimes you need complex math to describe what's going on.
You can choose to have a Ludditious view on the use of math and statistics to improve games, and that's your choice. I can't see how you'd have a problem with better game systems being produced with your benefit, but /shrug. If I see a designer who's voluntarily posting discussion on the use of math in the design, but making mistakes or unacknowledged over-simplifications, then… yeah, I'm gonna say something. The same way my colleagues would ask questions in a presentation if I misintepreted results.
Simply, I want a bettter game.
I will always want a better game, no matter how good the current game is (EotE is GOOD!). And I'm willing to use 'teh maths' to get it.
Again, this isn't antagonistic. It's just a different point of view.