New to Infiltration and needing Gameplay Help!

By Barby007, in Infiltration

Hey everyone! I just picked up Infiltration this weekend. I understood the set-up and what cards do. Unfortunately, myself and other players are finding it hard to understand the actual game play. The diagrams are quite confusing and the rules are overly informative making them hard to understand. How exactly does a turn happen? I totally undestand all cards and just need to know how to actually start the game and run turns.

The turns themselves are surprisingly simple: First, everyone (simultaneously and secretly) decides what they'll do that turn (either using one of the four action cards or an item in their hand). Then you resolve them one at a time in player order. Then there's some bookkeeping (if there are any NPCs out they perform their actions, the proximity dial increases, and the first player changes), and you start over. There are some decent overviews on BGG:

Awesome! A long distance friend read mmy forum and dropped by on Saturday to teach me how to play. Overall, i had done everything right except for a very few minor things. The website quoted above helped me answer a few questions i had afterwards. Thanks forr the help.