[RtL] Cloak of Mists Question

By TheOtherSteve, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

For the Road to Legend game version, regarding the Silver Treasure Cloak of Mists:

The item text:

"When you suffer 1 or more wounds, roll 1 power die for each wound suffered. Cancel 1 wound for each surge you roll."

The questions:

1) When play progresses to Silver or Gold level, does the player roll Silver/Gold power dice for this item, since it does not specify?

2) If (1) is Yes, then say a hero is hit for 3 wounds at Silver level, they roll 3 Power dice. Further, say 2 of them come up with Surges (2 each on Silver): That means 4 wounds cancelled (1 per surge rolled per card text), right?

That seems to scale up WAY too powerful for Silver/Gold level. How can I as Overlord possibly hurt a hero when they can cancel at 2-3 times the rate I hurt them?

I agree that the cloak would be too powerful if you used a Silver or Gold die and it cancelled a wound for every surge rolled. That being the case, I believe the intention of the die roll was to allow you to cancel a wound one out of every three times only.

To the best of my knowledge, you always roll black power dice for that item. The silver and gold dice typically are not used by equipment per se, they come from the Heroes stats.

Keep in mind all the cloaks were originally written pre-RtL, so the thought that there would be dice with extra stuff on it was not on the table.

Usually, you get to a roll a die for each wound that gets through. The die is probably intended to be a black die, since that was what was available when it was written. Admittedly, this can get a bit wacky when soaking 12 hits.

And you can potentially soak 12 hits (statistically improbable though)

The cloaks use normal, black power dice.

I don't think treasures are meant to scale with campaign level in general, but have a fixed power level. This creates a need to keep searching for improvements on higher levels.

This item "Cloak of Mists" as someone said before was created for "Journeys in the Dark". Yesterday we was playing it (without any expansion sets, didn't buy them yet) and my brother gets this item and he was rolling normal black power dice for every wound I dealt to him. In "Journeys" this item is really powerful (and this is "only" silver item). I'm wondering how to stop heroes when they get full gold gear.

Pick on someone else if you're having trouble punching through the silver cloak. Alternatively, just pound that hero with everything, statistically they'll die.

The Gold level cloak, on the other hand, you're really better off finding another target, that thing is ridiculous.





crockejm said:

Pick on someone else if you're having trouble punching through the silver cloak. Alternatively, just pound that hero with everything, statistically they'll die.

The Gold level cloak, on the other hand, you're really better off finding another target, that thing is ridiculous.

Which is why crushing blow is used on armor.

It makes the tank character question life, and changes the whole game in a heartbeat. After all, every treasure deck has 80% (or higher) of its cards that are weapons, so breaking a weapon really isnt a good deal (there are always exceptions though), on the other hand, only ~4-6 cards in each deck are armor cards.