Newbie questions - Agendas & Upgrades

By ZombieKnowledege, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

I've played Netrunner a few times and have gained a grasp of the basic mechanics. However, I'm still unsure about a couple things regarding Agendas and Upgrades.

Do the abilities on Agendas come into effect so long as they are revealed and remain in the server, or only when they are in the Corp's Score Area?

The rulebook states Upgrades can be installed in a Central Server's Root or in a Remote Server. Do Remote Servers have Roots? If they don't, then would the Upgrade only affect that specific Server?

Thanks in advance to anyone who provides an answer. This game is GREAT and I want to play it every day.

ZombieKnowledege said:

Do the abilities on Agendas come into effect so long as they are revealed and remain in the server, or only when they are in the Corp's Score Area?

They only come into effect when scored.

ZombieKnowledege said:

The rulebook states Upgrades can be installed in a Central Server's Root or in a Remote Server. Do Remote Servers have Roots? If they don't, then would the Upgrade only affect that specific Server?

Because central servers are accessed in a different manner to remote servers (i.e. only top card of R&D, one random card in HQ), they make this distinction. You access the core server in the manner allowed, and also the root. When you access a remote server under normal circumstances, you access EVERYTHING in the server.

To the best of my knowledge, upgrades only affect specific servers that they are installed to (whether core or remote).

Hope that helps :-)

Agenda abilities work when they are scored and that would be the only time they are face up. You wouldn't have an agenda installed in a server faceup.

Upgrades can be installed in remote servers and only affect that server. There is no limit on how many upgrades can be installed in a server.

Thanks for the quick replies, they are much appreciated :)

I should be more clear about my Upgrades question. Can I have an Upgrade in the Root of a Remote Server and also have an Upgrade/Agenda in it as usual?

And I have a question about Recurring Credits. Do they accumulate, or do you only have the maximum number of them per turn? For example, if I play a card that grants me 3 Recurring Credits for installing Icebreakers, but I don't install any for the next 2 turns, would I then have 6 to spend? Or does the number always top out at whatever the card says?

Thanks again!

ZombieKnowledege said:

I should be more clear about my Upgrades question. Can I have an Upgrade in the Root of a Remote Server and also have an Upgrade/Agenda in it as usual?

Remote servers do not technically have roots. As many upgrades as you want can exist in a server in addition to the installed agenda, asset, or core function.

ZombieKnowledege said:

And I have a question about Recurring Credits. Do they accumulate, or do you only have the maximum number of them per turn? For example, if I play a card that grants me 3 Recurring Credits for installing Icebreakers, but I don't install any for the next 2 turns, would I then have 6 to spend? Or does the number always top out at whatever the card says?

They do no accumulate. They simply replenish.

Your question's wording also prompts me to provide the following:

Each core server has its own Root. Thus, if you have an upgrade installed in the Root of HQ, it will not provide its benefit to R&D.

Thanks again. I'll be playing a few more games tomorrow, hopefully things will run smoothly.