Fresh off the Press

By eirei, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

With Trace Amounts giving NBN even more ways to tag the runner, I thought I'd try my hand at a rush deck.

The idea is to throw as many tags as possible at them, until they either give up on removing them at all (at which point you can use Psychographics to easily score agendas in one turn), or, if they decide to keep removing the tags - enjoy your head start and score your agendas normally.

NBN: Making News (Core)

Total Cards: (45)
Agenda (8)

AstroScript Pilot Program (Core #81) x3
Executive Retreat (Trace Amount #39) x1
Private Security Force (Core #107) x1
Restructured Datapool (What Lies Ahead #16) x3

Asset (2)
PAD Campaign (Core #109) x2

ICE (17)
Data Raven (Core #88) x3
Enigma (Core #111) x2
Matrix Analyzer (Core #89) x3
TMI (What Lies Ahead #17) x3
Tollbooth (Core #90) x3
Wall of Static (Core #113) x3

Operation (14)
Anonymous Tip (Core #83) x2
Big Brother (Trace Amount #35) x3
Closed Accounts (Core #84) x3
Hedge Fund (Core #110) x3
Psychographics (Core #85) x3

Upgrade (4)
SanSan City Grid (Core #92) x2
Ash 2X3ZB9CY (What Lies Ahead #13) x2

Total Agenda Points: 20

Influence Values Totals -
Haas-Bioroid: 4
Jinteki: 0
NBN: 44
The Weyland Consortium: 0

First off, I don't run Scorched Earth at all. I simply can't fit it in. And with the release of the Carapace, I don't think it'll be as powerful as it used to be. Maybe I should throw one in, though, just to make its presence scare the runner?

Also, I'd like to run 3x Beanstalk Royalties, because the deck is pretty credit-heavy; I just have no idea what to cut. For the same reason, I'm running 2 PADs, even though I'd like 3. I'm going with PAD over Melange, because the plan is to install them unprotected, and if the runner wants to spend 4 on trashing it, let them.

ChiLo grid seems like a mindless inclusion, but SanSan is just so much better in this deck. 2x ChiLo might not be bad to use in RnD and HQ, but I'm really not sure about spending those slots on them.

Finally, I'm thinking about using Draco in here, but I already have a lot of sentries - which, due to the Matrix Analyzer being crucial to my strategy, isn't really something I can fix.


eirei said:

First off, I don't run Scorched Earth at all. I simply can't fit it in. And with the release of the Carapace, I don't think it'll be as powerful as it used to be. Maybe I should throw one in, though, just to make its presence scare the runner?

Could always use this card to get rid of the carapace and then burn face. ffg_power-grid-overload-trace-amount.png

I think this needs more Melange Mining Corp. The money that thing gives you wins games on its own.

I agree, MMC works much better for NBN than PAD.