Just wondering if they get to remove an additional focus token.
Are Stormtrooper Elite considered to have the trait 'elite'?
Holliday88 said:
Just wondering if they get to remove an additional focus token.
Nope. Keywords only appear in the card text, not the card title.
No, that is just part of the cards name.
Also Elite is a keyword not a trait. Stormtrooper Elite has no keywords. It does have two traits however, Character and Trooper .
Unlike a trait, which has no inherent abilities, a keyword
is an attribute which conveys specific rules to its card.
A trait (always represented at
the top of the text box and printed
) has no inherent effect.
Instead, a trait grants its card an
attribute that may be referenced by other effects.
Toqtamish said:
No, that is just part of the cards name.
Also Elite is a keyword not a trait. Stormtrooper Elite has no keywords. It does have two traits however, Character and Trooper .
Ok, thanks. Still getting up to speed on the terminology.