1. Fleet Command Center: The timing is a question here. It reads: After you refresh place a shield on a unit or objective." When does refresh mean? after the phase or after the focus tokens are removed? if it is the later, then the shield would just go away when you remove shield tokens. I am sure it means after the refresh phase.
2. A correction that needs to be fixed: A freaking droid that struggles with the Force is weird. An interrogation droid with two blasters and the event Interrogation is a beast. lol
3. Redemption only targets LS player's characters, correct? I assume so.
4. What is the ruling on more than one of the same objective in play? Also, if it is okay to have more than one, are they communlative?
I believe I have some more, but we will go with just these for now. Thanks for any advice (since that is all that it is until an official rule man jumps in the forums).