Ive done a little artwork what does everyone think

By Tassedar, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Thats pretty good

Hits the uncanny valley for me.

Eyes too close; face very disporoportionate.

Otherwise, pretty well done.

too close as need to be moved farther apart or make bigger also with the proportion do I need to make a mouth larger or do I need to shrink the chin

Tassedar said:

too close as need to be moved farther apart or make bigger also with the proportion do I need to make a mouth larger or do I need to shrink the chin

Moved further apart.

Chin could be shortened a bit and/or eyes/mouth/nose moved down a touch.

Also, bridge of nose is above eyes, and should be even with them.

Made a few changes one eye seems a little bigger but ill play with it more


MUCH better! Doesn't scream "Monkey face" at me.

And she's no longer cross-eyed.

Wait tll shes done ive decided to expand it into a full portrait lets see how well I draw shoes. Heads up tho this is my second attempt to make art after 10 years of truck driving.

Tassedar said:

Wait tll shes done ive decided to expand it into a full portrait lets see how well I draw shoes. Heads up tho this is my second attempt to make art after 10 years of truck driving.

I've seen worse from people with BFA degrees in painting than your first try. So don't sweat it.

hehe ive seen them i know i have a decent eye but heres what i got done tonight

i was thinking of increasing the size of the shoulder gaurds and possibly going all deep blue for the non armored parts
