Im running my first adventure this weekend. I was curious, the book addressed xp rewards but not credit/item rewards per session. Any suggestions on how much income players should be getting?
Credit and Item rewards
That's going to vary depending on what sort of jobs they take.
Something that's not too difficult or risky is probably going to pay very little, but a high-risk job is going to have a much bigger payday at the end of the run.
If you have access to it, Scum & Villainy for the Saga Edition version of WotC's Star Wars RPG line has a great little section regarding the kind of "fringe" jobs that your average EotE party are likely to come across, giving suggestions not only on how much the party might earn, but also various complications to the job in question.
Hopefully something in a similar vein could be included in the final version of the EotE corebook, as it'd be a handy resource.
Baring that, I'd say an average pay-out of 250 credits per PC for an "easy job" (one that on the surfac doesn't entail a high degree of risk) would be a decent starting point, and build from there, doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling that amount depending on the hazards involved, or at least the hazards the person offering the job is aware of and willing to make the PCs aware of.
As a base point, Long Arm of the Hutt awards 10,000 credits to the players at the end of the adventure, and they could accumulate maybe 2,000 more up to that. Now they if we say Long Arm of the Hutt takes 3 sessions, among 4 players, thats 1000 credits per player per session, do you think this is a good average, varying depending on difficulty?
I'd say Long Arm of the Hutt is an unusual case, and would be an example of a "very high risk" scenario (you are after all going up against a Hutt).
It'd be the real-world equivalent of getting a year's pay for a single week's worth of work.
Characters generally shouldn't be swimming in credits; enough to replace consumables such as grenades or stimpacks on a semi-regular basis, but not so much they can buy and trick-out a high-end weapon without batting an eye.
Alright, thanks man, this really gives me a much-needed idea on rewards, and I think itll help me run my adventures more smoothly! I hope they add a section in the finalized rulebook!
Cancid said:
As a base point, Long Arm of the Hutt awards 10,000 credits to the players at the end of the adventure, and they could accumulate maybe 2,000 more up to that. Now they if we say Long Arm of the Hutt takes 3 sessions, among 4 players, thats 1000 credits per player per session, do you think this is a good average, varying depending on difficulty?
There's Cr2250 in loot in just the first chapter of LAOTH. Not counting the certain unpleasant bits, nor loot from the stormtroopers and/or droids and/or Trex in the beginner adventure.
My players engaged in KTAATTS play… they have loot to sell. Armor to repaint.
Im pretty sure XP will end up playing a bigger factor in how good the pc's are compared to gear anyway. Even with a starting brawn of five and superior heavy battle armor their soak is only 8. Anything that isn't a pistol will still do damage and even pistols will do damage if you're landing crits or get enough successes.
That's only in personal combat, their starship could still royally suck and leave them trying to float home.