I am looking for a group to play Android: Netrunner LCG in the above areas. I also have the Star Wars LCG.
I am looking for a group to play Android: Netrunner LCG in the above areas. I also have the Star Wars LCG.
Hey NewPalpatine,
I live in the Lansing area myself. I play NetRunner and Star Wars, but I am not aware of any others who play. I have been told by the manager of Evolution Games (West side of Lansing near the intersection of Saginaw and Creyts) that he intends on participating in the Star Wars League that Fantasy Flight Games helps retailers pull off. I'm not sure if he has the intention of also running NetRunner in that format. But, I'm up to Evo Games often after work on the way home (a couple of nights a week) on the way home. I might be able to have a game in the store (and together we might get that manager to shift positively toward a NetRunner league as well). Good luck!
i know its a bit of a drive for you guys but we have a pretty good play group playing on monday nights at RIW in livonia at 6:00