Objective question

By brakiss, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

I'm sure I missed this but is it possible to have 2 of the same Objectives out at the same time. So if im playing 2x Fall of the Jedi can I have both in play at the same time? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I don't see where it says you can't unless the Objective is limited to 1. Thanks.

As long as they don't specify "Limit 1 per deck" (in which case you wouldn't have two to play anyway), there's nothing in the rules limiting you to having one copy of an objective in play at a time.

DailyRich said:

As long as they don't specify "Limit 1 per deck" (in which case you wouldn't have two to play anyway), there's nothing in the rules limiting you to having one copy of an objective in play at a time.

Thanks. I was looking and looking so I figured as much but just wanted to make sure.