Hey everyone. Just a gripe on one of the rules in the game. The beta book states that, in so many words, once a character dies, s/he cannot be revived. While I can totally understand this if, for instance, a character blows into a million chunks after a thermal detonator explodes right underneath them or other extreme physical trauma, I don’t agree that a character can’t be revived from something like drowning—for example. If a character suffocates and dies in this way, why should it be treated the same as falling into a volcano?
In a setting that offers the ability to clone living organisms, implant cybernetics and artificial limbs, or soak people in bacta, I take umbrage with the limitation of not being able to revive the newly dead if that fallen PC’s damage total is, say, between 1 and 4 points just beyond the final threshold and the factors of death fall within the realm of something we here on Earth could revive in real life. Using the example of drowning to death again, what’s to stop 41-VEX—for instance—from accessing his knowledge stores and performing CPR on a drown victim, while another PC aids with mouth-to-mouth-resuscitation? With so many technical and medical advances of the SW setting, basic saving measures such as these seem trivial in comparison to others.
I know that I as a GM could just homebrew rules for reviving the newly dead—and I have (see below)—I just wanted to put in my 2 cents to this rule and voice my objection to it. Other tabletop systems offer some fairly straightforward rules for reviving the newly dead like Cortex system, or the “Medical Miracle” class feature from d20 Modern and the like. But I’ve been enjoying this new system immensely thus far and just wish that there was a way to extend the life of a fallen character.
It would be really cool to see some kind of check to revive the newly dead in the EotE game. I’ve seen rules for adding a “formidable” difficulty role with 5 ♦♦♦♦♦ difficulty dice. What if there was an “Impossible” difficulty with 6 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ difficulty dice representing the max that a player can take a characteristic or skill?
In my own session for “Crates of Krayts” I implemented an “Impossible” difficulty roll for dead PC’s. A total of 7 chances are given, and each roll upgraded 1 difficulty die ♦ to a Challenge die Ûž . Each time the roll fails, another difficulty die is upgraded until you have 6 challenge dice and one final role.
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Despair symbols automatically render the check a failure. Boost dice from equipment or aid benefits the roll as usual. Threats cause strain to the medic and/or aiding ally.
I’ve tested it using 41-VEX and a roll with his Medicine skill and it was actually plausible.
Thanks for listening.