So we played a game last night and I drew Nara the Fang who has yet to see a game of Runebound.
Nara's abilty is:
Before Combat: You may take to Fatigue to make a melee attack.
I picked up a "mace of Kellos" early on so now I can activate it after a successful melee attack to +2 dmg (4 in total). Which was pretty sweet and I had been Uping Nara's Body atrribute maily and tied in wit a black dagger (+2 combat rolls) he was at +10 early on in the game which ment he was putting down any yellow encounter down before the combat phase had started.
Then a "White Blade" pops up:
Before Combat: Activate to make a melee attack. If your hero succeeds, inflict 3 dmg.
So question: Can I combo the "white blade" and "mace of Kellos" so that if I make a successful melee attack I inflict 5 dmg! Then I follow up with Nara's abilty to inflict an addition 2 dmg for a total of 7dmg before any comabt phase as started? By this point I had dumped the "black dagger" for the "white blade" and was at body 16 any way so even with a double 1 on the dice im at 18 melee.
I think I can, that how I read it, just some of my play group with a bit hmmmmm about it as I was knocking down blue encounters and saying should I even bother roling dice and just take it to speed up the game.