Aptitude Calc

By Surak, in Only War

Hi All,

With the formal release I suppose its time to move the link for my Aptitude Calc to the main forum.


This should be correct to the core rulebook but as always if you find a problem let me know.



This is nice, but I'd like to request a feature where you can tick off the Skills and Talents you purchace, and have the sheet calculate your total XP expenditure.

It would in practice make this into a character builder or a character sheet, which is always useful :)

It shouldn't be too hard to do either. Add a checkbox which controls the value of a field. If unchecked, 0. If checked, equal to the XP cost calculated for the Talent. Then sum all those fields and voila :)

Hi Darth,

I'll see what I can do about turning this into a proper character creator. I was thinking of adding in the regimental creation stuff as well just to round it out but I've not managed to find the time yet.

I'll make no promisses but I'll see what I can do.



Hi all,

Done some basic modifications to the Aptitude Calc and it can now keep track of your EXP and unpgrades, its not a prroper character sheet though so don't expect it to do all the work for you.

new link is


let me know if anyone spots any bugs



That's pretty nice, but you need to expand the Talent list to handle Talents that can be taken multiple times. Like Resistance (), Weapon Training, etc.

ah I always forget about those pesky multi-option talents, should be a straight forward fix though - watch this space.



Back already with an update


I took the simple fix for the Talents of simply having you tell the program how often your taken the talent and it multipiles the cost. Not had time to put all the permutations of the skills in yet so they remain un-changed



This is a great tool; thank you for its creation and upgrading and all the time and energy that entails!

Adding Comrade Advances (including non-Comrade Advances and Sweeping Orders) would complete the repetoire of all things a player can spend XP on. A simpler/faster "fix" is a sort of Elite Advance / add-it-yourself section where you can input the title of the advance and the cost (along with how many times it's been taken, I guess).

My second suggestion is far less important in my mind, and totally a matter a laziness - quick Aptitude selection based on Speciality. Something like a check box or a drop down menu that auto-selects the Aptitudes within your current framework (I'm unfamiliar with Excel formulating, but in programmer terms, something like "If Sergeant, then Apt1 = Defence" [return] "If Sergeant, then Apt2 = Fellowship" etc.) I would still keep your existing set up of ten drop downs in case there's a duplicate Aptitude and a replacement has to be added, or if GMs allow free-for-all Aptitude Selection.

Again, thanks for all your hard work! I really appreciate it!

Aye! If you fancy a bit of a collaboration you should get in touch with Memetix who made the excellent excel charsheet for Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader and Deathwatch. At the very least you should look at his file and wonder at it's complexity and general awesomeness :)

Thanks to both of you,

I am very aware of Memetix work, and I am still in awe of his character sheet as his Excel skills far out-do my own.

I'll see what I can do about adding the comrade advances and some sort of elite advance section once I've put all the possible skill options in.

Perhaps its time to drop Memetix a line as well.



Looks pretty well Surak.

A good starting point at least! Thank you for the time taken to set it up!

Yeah Surak, nice work.

I am running an event of Only War at Gencon and at Origins and this will help alot.

Glad people are still finding it usefull,

I'm going to try and take a look at the new talents from Hammer of the Empire and see how easy they will be to add to the list.



Hi all,

Bit of thread necro but there you go.

Finally got round to adding the talents from Hammer of the Emperor, and had a bit of a tidy up of the sheet in general.

link is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3oJx0XTJcARX0FBODYtNUxSVmM/edit?usp=sharing or in my sig

As always if its broken let me know, and once the PDF for Shield of Humanity goes live I'll add the new ones from that as well.

