The Armory and Brigand's Quarters

By Deathseed, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Tonight, looking over the secret room cards for the first time, two cards left me with minor questions:

The Brigand's Quarters:

The card text says in part - Once per turn, a hero in this secret room may test awareness. If he passes, he may search any 1 challenge token in this room without performing an action.

The wording makes me wonder if he still has to be adjacent to or on the token he wishes to search this way. I would assume no , since I would expect that if he did it would say something like:

If he passes, he may search any adjacent challenge token in this room without performing an action.

Anyone else agree with my intepretation?

The Armory:

The card says in part - Once per turn, a hero in this secret room may test might. If he passes, he may search any 1 challenge token in this room without performing an action. If he does, the token is discarded without being revealed.

This brings up the same question as The Brigands Quarters, and also brings up the question of whether or not he gets a search card rewarded for the token. I would suppose he does not as the token was never revealed, and its challenge (in the case of an attribute test) never faced, so its reward never earned.

In effect being a way to power through to the card's reward without facing as many challenges or monsters, but by sacrificing "loot" to do so.

Again, thoughts on my interpretation?

Cards trump all. Your hero may reveal the token without being adjacent. Regarding the second question, no search card is awarded as the test for said award is testing successfully against a challenge token's ability check, not the secret room's ability check.