Are Agendas exclusive to specific Corporations

By Vandal2002, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

I can't find a rule that states an agenda from one corp can't be used by another corp in deck building. I can't see why you could not mix agendas between corps. If there is a rule, please let me know where to find this rule. Agenda point are agenda points.

I think I found the ruling at the bottom of Influence Section - page 24 NOTE: Some cards do not have any influence value (this is different than a card that has an influnece of zero). These cards are indentified by their lack of an influence box. A card without an influence value cannot be used with an identity card that has a different faction afflication.

I guess this means agendas ARE affiliation exclussive and cannot be mixed with other corps for deck building…. Good to know.

Vandal2002 said:

I can't find a rule that states an agenda from one corp can't be used by another corp in deck building. I can't see why you could not mix agendas between corps. If there is a rule, please let me know where to find this rule. Agenda point are agenda points.

Hypothetically, a future expansion pack could include Agendas with influence points, but it is not possible with base cards.