Regarding Skye and Brightblaze

By Deathseed, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Having just recently picked up the game plus the expansion and conversion kit, something is not clear to me.

I know the geomancer and necromancers familiars can be targeted by the overlord, and have defensive stats for it (health and defense dice). However Skye and Brightblaze from the conversion kit don't and seem to work a little differently.

Can those two be targeted by the Overlord and monsters? That would seem odd to me as they have no health or defense stat.

Judging by the way the heroes and their cards read, it seems like they just behave like mobile equipment for using the heroes abilities and aren't actually counted as figures for attack purposes.

I've not mentioned Pico since he clearly has no board presence.

both are not treated as figures. So targeting any of them is not allowed. They can also share a space with figures. in the rare situation you have both, skye and brightblaze and a figure could legally stand all on the same space.

Page 17. The first sentence regarding familiars pretty much answers your question. Mobile equipment sounds about right - nice analogy.

Rico said:

Page 17. The first sentence regarding familiars pretty much answers your question. Mobile equipment sounds about right - nice analogy.

Yup, thanks. I read that over once I sat down to actually study the rules.