so the Xxcha and the Hylar warp over this planet and some naughty words are said about someones mum

By Rithe, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Hay all, just a quick question.

last game was an interesting 5 man 14 point game

we had the following races in play; the jol-nar, the xxcha, the hacan, the sol and lastly the mentak

for the most part the xxcha and jol were at each others throats untill finally they met above the planet tiamat and a very bloody fight was about to break out… untill.. the question arose.

the jol fleet consisted of; 1 carrier, 6 fighters and 2 destroyers

the xxcha fleet had: 1 carrier, 3 fighters, 1 cruser and 1 destroyer

so the question is this

the Jol-Nar get -1 on all attack rolls and the xxcha give a -1 on the first round of combat

the entire jol nar fleet suffered a -2 on the first round of combat, so what happens.

is it
a) the roll caps at 10 or b) they just cant hit, the xxcha shields are to powerful (the choice went to vote, and the second option won)


in this case, they wouldn't be able to hit.

Essentially the to hit number never changes, just the number on the die, so if you roll a 10, and get -2, it would still be an 8, thus missing.

The same goes for N'orr Warsuns with High alert (Or their Flagship) - auto hitting.

I prefer the notion that 1s always miss, and 0s (10s) always hit. But to each his own. Looking at the game from a legalistic stand point, there is the posibility of auto pass and auto fail situations. As always, your group can play how they choose.

It is possible to auto-hit or auto-miss. While there is no official ruling saying that this is the case, there is nothing in the rules that says a roll of 0 is always a hit, or that a roll of 1 is always always a hit.

I agree to the automissing and -hitting effect. It's up to you to "houserule" that if you don't like it. But if you thought the whole Jol fleet was unable to hit in the first round, you were wrong, because the Jol have the Hylar V Laser from the begining on and though at least the two destroyers would still hit on a 10. Not to mention the anti-fighter barrage against the 3 Xxcha fighters, which isn't affected at all as a pre-combat activity.

Helspanth said:

I agree to the automissing and -hitting effect. It's up to you to "houserule" that if you don't like it. But if you thought the whole Jol fleet was unable to hit in the first round, you were wrong, because the Jol have the Hylar V Laser from the begining on and though at least the two destroyers would still hit on a 10. Not to mention the anti-fighter barrage against the 3 Xxcha fighters, which isn't affected at all as a pre-combat activity.

"Toucher , mon chere" Helspanth.

For argument sake , Im in favour of auto hit/miss die rolls. My backgroung comes from first edition Dungeon & Dragons were THAC0 (determing combat mechanic) and Saving throws (make or die instances) were core mechanics .My BuBs & I still reminisce about the times were a miraculous roll saved the day or Pc.

Again Hypothetically speaking , imagine the "oh crap" low The Jol-Nar would get in that instance . To the soaring heights of "YES" when those dice come up as a naturel 10's. Better yet wins the SPACE BATTLE.

Then the snug XXCHA player confidence turns into "oh crap" this is not the way this is suppose to go down.Then complete despair (in loss of fleet) as his well laid plans burn up as his fleet.

Having been in XXCHA mocassins more than my fair share ;) . I fully understand THOSE frustrations.However that's why my boys & I continue to play these kinds of social games.In the long run " IT'S ALL ABOUT THE EPIC WAR STORIES WE RETELL YEARS LATER"

My 2 cents !

Since Canada is abolishing the penny in a couple of days. Take my comments with a grain of salt :P