Hay all, just a quick question.
last game was an interesting 5 man 14 point game
we had the following races in play; the jol-nar, the xxcha, the hacan, the sol and lastly the mentak
for the most part the xxcha and jol were at each others throats untill finally they met above the planet tiamat and a very bloody fight was about to break out… untill.. the question arose.
the jol fleet consisted of; 1 carrier, 6 fighters and 2 destroyers
the xxcha fleet had: 1 carrier, 3 fighters, 1 cruser and 1 destroyer
so the question is this
the Jol-Nar get -1 on all attack rolls and the xxcha give a -1 on the first round of combat
the entire jol nar fleet suffered a -2 on the first round of combat, so what happens.
is it
a) the roll caps at 10 or b) they just cant hit, the xxcha shields are to powerful (the choice went to vote, and the second option won)