Sweet subforums - Question on Squadrons timing

By magni2, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

Mobilize the Squadrons says after done refreshing remove a focus from a enhancement, there is also an ACTION phase right after refresh. The wording is so vague on mobilize that i wonder if i can shoot with a heavy weapons emplacement, use the after refresh function then shoot again. Just wondering the wording just says "after"


I'd say no, at least not immediately. You could use the Heavy Blaster Emplacement's action in the action window near the end of the Refresh phase. Then at the end of that phase, Mobilize the Squadron's reaction effect kicks in and you could remove the focus token from the Heavy Blaster. But then there's no window for another action until near the end of the Draw phase.

No as it would remove the token after you do all of your "normal" refreshing, then the action windown would be available to use the blaster emplacement. Basically it is a way to get an extra focus token off of a card. With this and the shielding issue I can see the refresh getting a new timing diagram in the upcoming FAQ.

I guess the question is what's considered "after refreshing"? Is it after you do all the refreshes (focus, shield, objectives) or is it the actual end of the phase?

Except we know when they occur as it says in the rulebook

1. He removes one focus token from each card in
his play area. ( Any effect with the text “after you
refresh” can be used after completing this step.)


The timing question isnt really that tricky.

If you check out the refresh phase on page 30, and the definition of "reaction" on 25, you see that mobilize takes effect -right after- the the second "box" in the refresh phase, where you "refresh" your cards (i.e. removing one focus from each card). With the fact that there are no action windows during the balance phase, or until just before the end of the refresh phase, there simply is no room to use the blaster emplacement and then unfocus it again with mobilize :)

There is a problem with the "fleeing the empire" card though, as has been noted here. It's timing is off, it should read "at the start of your draw phase" instead.

"to refresh" could also be interpreted as meaning "all the -mandatory- steps of the refresh phase where you remove focus, shields, and replace your objectives". And in that case fleeing the empire would be fine in wording, but it's never really expressed that way.

An errata for clarity might not be entirely wrong after all :)

Toqtamish said:

Except we know when they occur as it says in the rulebook

1. He removes one focus token from each card in
his play area. ( Any effect with the text “after you
refresh” can be used after completing this step.)


But it's been widely stated that that's a mistake. Otherwise the card that lets you add a shield token after you refresh would be useless, since the next step is removing all shield tokens.

It's not the same issue. That other card is affected by where removal of shield tokens happens not where after you refresh happens. So either that other card needs to be errated or they need to move the shield token removal step. Like I said earlier, refresh will be getting a new timing I suspect very soon in the FAQ.

But I am feeling impatient so I think I might email FFG about it.

All right, but I've read posts here where playtesters have said the wording in the book is in error and that "after refresh" is after ALL refresh actions, not just removing focus tokens.

That would fix any issues as well. Hopefully we will know soon enough as I have sent off my question and just waiting for an answer now. Will post whatever answer I get back when it arrives

I already emailed them about it late last week. Hopefully we'll get actual answers and not the "wait for the faq" answer they gave for several weeks with X-Wing.

DailyRich said:

All right, but I've read posts here where playtesters have said the wording in the book is in error and that "after refresh" is after ALL refresh actions, not just removing focus tokens.

That should do the trick, given that the sentence

1. He removes one focus token from each card in
his play area. ( Any effect with the text “after you
refresh” can be used after completing this step.)

is the one that makes everything confusing.

Because as rules are written now either Fleeing the Empire is obsolete (which should be not) or, as stated, any other reaction in the Refresh phase (Motti, Endor Gambit, Mobilize…) can be used twice given there are two windows (the point 1. and the end of the phase) that let them "pop", which is broken.

So… please FFG, less previews and more FAQS.

Short answer, with the timing you suggest, no. You could always, of course, use the ability at any time on their turn (because the card doesn't say specifically otherwise), and refresh it on your turn.