A question for all and Doc Savage...

By Ellraiser, in Tannhauser

Hello all, I have my four units that I created but am having trouble finding things to put behind them for their character cards. Does anyone have any suggestions? Also, what program do you use for your cards Doc? My units are; an Italian research team lead by a German officer, a Japanese unit lead by a rogue warlord that includes an oni and a witch, an English secret paranormal search and retrieval team run by the government, and a mercenary quad of members from all of the existing factions...(we need more mercs, Doc... :) I would like some ideas as I am not coming up with any. Also, I have figs for my teams but lack a camera to take pics of them.


P.S. I have a case that I bought at Walmart in the craft section that works great to hold the many pogs that this game uses...and the storage compartments are made up of individual round cases to make the storage easier...again, if i could get a camera I could show you all. I will work on the later.

Ellraiser said:

Hello all, I have my four units that I created but am having trouble finding things to put behind them for their character cards. Does anyone have any suggestions? Also, what program do you use for your cards Doc? My units are; an Italian research team lead by a German officer, a Japanese unit lead by a rogue warlord that includes an oni and a witch, an English secret paranormal search and retrieval team run by the government, and a mercenary quad of members from all of the existing factions...(we need more mercs, Doc... :) I would like some ideas as I am not coming up with any. Also, I have figs for my teams but lack a camera to take pics of them.


P.S. I have a case that I bought at Walmart in the craft section that works great to hold the many pogs that this game uses...and the storage compartments are made up of individual round cases to make the storage easier...again, if i could get a camera I could show you all. I will work on the later.

That's a bunch of questions...

When you say cards do you mean the ones that the tokens go on when you play? I call these the Character Cards. The ones in the rulebook I call the Two-Page Character Sheet.

I use Photoshop Elements to make my cards and I make them BIG. Twice printing size which is probably overkill, but I started that with HeroScape and I still do it.

If you don't have a camera you could find a picture of the figure online and use that pic. I find all my stuff online that I use. There are free-use stock photo sites and lots of character art. I have also scanned stuff that I have pictures of. The pictures of Jackal and the Robot were scanned and cleaned up off a Star Wars CMG character card. Mal did the colors on those. The token art I find all over the net. Google is your friend.

Making these cards is a lot of work. That's why they get posted so slowly :)

What is the make and model of the storage container? Please post that or a link on walmart.com...


When I was working on the French Resistance (which I want to redo the art incidentally and tweak to balance with the Matriarchy), I was working on Photoshop. Yes, the internet and stock imagery will be your best friends..... Be very careful, if in doubt about the use of a photo and you can't get consent....don't use it! If you must, there is a legal grey area under "fair use" where the image must be altered somehow by at least 33%. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy and arbitrary, but that would include recoloring, scale, flopping etc. I work in a Hollywood ad agency so they're pretty sensitive to issues like that. For the rest I can't find or want to modify, I'll just draw it myself. If you'd like, I love to get another drawing exercise in and would love to offer a creative pass on your teams. Just give me descriptions and I'll give it a go! Building your image files "at size" at a resolution of 300 will be adequate, 200 you can eke by, but type and such will start to plug up. Also, poor res images can often be saved with a bit of contrast pumps/grain to sharpen out lost details. Any specific questions please ask away!

Oh yeah, Doc is totally right. These things take a lot of work...more than I ever thought! sorpresa.gif

Thank, Ellraiser.

Here is the case. I really dig it.


How many pogs fit in each round holder?


About 8 pogs will fit per container...this means that you can fit all the characters in one case. I carry my figs, and now the pogs in a fishing sholder bag.


Eight tokens is perfect...
