1/270 Scale CR-90 Corvette and EF76 NEBULON-B ESCORT FRIGATE plans in 1/270 scale.

By Boomer_J, in X-Wing





This is the CR-90 Corvette that I am working on.

very cool….you are a paper model master my friend

Thanks! Both the corvette and the transport are modified paper models. As for master I dont think so But I do model in N scale trains.




Of course I know it would be too LARGE to use in game but here are my plans for a EF76 NEBULON-B ESCORT FRIGATE in 1/270 scale.

do you have a link to those corvet plans? pretty please?

One thing I was thinking after seeing your plans for the Nebula cruiser would be to build and just use as a edge of board scenery piece. That got me thinking you could also do, say just the edge detail of a Star Destroyer and place it on a non-occupied edge of the board during games.

Boomer_J said:

Of course I know it would be too LARGE to use in game but here are my plans for a EF76 NEBULON-B ESCORT FRIGATE in 1/270 scale.

I think it's awesome. It would probably make a great sight blocker/collision risk obstacale. I would love to have it next to my Star Destroyer :)


Impressive, most impressive!




Now the tedious job of adding the hull plating and then painting.

Instead of detailing the paper CR-90 I’m redoing it in styrene plastic to be able to keep the flex and twist out and add more detail. I will keep you posted.

That's awesome. Can't wait to see it when you're done. Do you have plans for the Gallofree GR-75 Medium Transport?

I actually found a really nice GR75 transport model which works nicely with the X-wing models and looks good on the battle map. Its scales out at about 1/300 but is very detailed and being slightly under scale doesn't bother me. Its an old Micromachines playset from the early 90's. With a little detail work and some paint it will make a fine addition to my collection and will match up well with the CR90 Blockade Runner I picked up off Ebay.



Very cool! I see no reason why FFG could not make a GR-75 at some point. Fingers crossed.