Rule confirmation about "restoring" and "readying"

By sensei yaourt, in CoC Rules Discussion

Ok, we had an huge argument with a fellow player this afternoon, it was over "restoring" a card and "readying" it.

if i understood the rules correctly, you "restore" a card when an effect change its status from Insane to Sane, right ?
and you "ready" it when an effect change its status from Exhausted to Ready , am i still right ?

So, if i'm not mistaken, Mad Genius (core set, F 27) and Studend Archaelogist (core set, F 32) effets both triggers when they are swapped back from insane to sane, aren't they ?

Yep, everything you said is correct.

im not sure what readying has to do with either character. once you restore from being insane, the character is still exhausted.