Lilo and Stitch - prequel to the TI universe?

By favouredenemy, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

The film 'Lilo and Stitch' deals with a lifeform genetically-engineered with the express purpose of destroying everything it touches falling to Earth and learning the value of love and family. Of all the Disney movies, it's exceptional for the incredibly dysfunctional main characters, and I've seen it more than once. However, I noticed something new and different this time: in typical movie style, the film ends happily, with the Grand Councilwoman of the Galactic Senate (or whatever) happy to allow Stitch to remain on Earth.

The end credits show Stitch teaching in a Hawaiian school about space-travel, and that both Lilo and Stitch get their own flying cars as Christmas presents. Aliens remain on the planet, and they are known about - the relationship overseen by the CIA's somewhat shady 'social worker' Cobra Bubbles.

The Grand Councilwoman is also clearly a member of the Lazax.


My theory is that this film is clearly a prequel to the TI and Rex universe. For anyone keen on the lore, I'd definitely suggest watching this move.


I love this game and I adore that movie, yet I've never made that connection. Though to be fair I haven't watched Lilo and Stitch since I've started playing TI. I'll have to watch it again here and keep an eye out for any other TI connections.

favouredenemy said:

The Grand Councilwoman is also clearly a member of the Lazax.

I will admit that there are undeniably similarities, however, this Councilwoman only appears to have two arms (based on a quick google search for more photos.) The Lazax have four.

On the other hand(s), we've only, as far as I can tell, seen male Lazax earlier. Maybe the females only have two arms? Which makes me think of another question. Is General Griveous (Star Wars prequels) from the L1z1x? 4 arms, cyborg, faceshape kinda fits.

I say it's probably the contrary. It's twilight "third" edition. TI is probably older than lilo and st.