Hey everyone! I just started playing Netrunner and I LOVE IT!! I think it's the best game FFG has IMO. I have sided with being a runner. I really dislike playing Corporation. Not my play style at all. I have become quite attracted to the runner "Mac", the Shaper. I feel she is great based on just playing her using core set cards only. On the other hand, I would like to pick a good Runner because my goal is to eventually play at the tournament level. I love being able to play great players. Also, I would like to be good enough to be able to support my LGS and judge Netrunner leagues for them. I have the Core Set and the "What Lies Beneath" expansion pack.
In your opinions,
1. Which runner do ya'll feel have the best chance of winning?
2. What is a good list for the runner of choice?
3. Why is that particular runner better than the other 3 (Expansion guy included)?