Rez timing question

By IsawaSteve, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions


Quick timing question: I'm playing corp. I have a rezzed Pad campaign, an unrezzed Adonis campaign and 3 bits. It's the start of my turn. Can I, during the draw phase, collect the bit from the Pad campaign, then use that bit to rez the adonis campaign, and then collect the first pay out from the adonis campaign? or should the timing structure diagram in the rule book be interpreted as "do all the rezzing," then turn begins, meaning I would have to rez it before collecting that first bit from Pad campaign, and once I collect it's too late to rez?

Basically, does the rez/ability part of the timing structure mean during that phase the corp can rez/ability or that at that point in the phase he can rez/ability?


Never mind, I just realized that the more detailed timing in the FAQ makes it clear that the latter is the case (seperate timings) meaning that gaining the bits from the campaigns and the chance to rez are seperate entities and therefore cannot be intermingled. Hopefully anyone else confused is also helped.