Strength w/ Boomstone?

By Red Die Guy, in Wiz-War

Hello all,

Just wondering if anyone could answer a question for me please? Humble apologies if this has been answered (just checked the FAQ and searched the forums and didn't see it).

Can you apply Strength with Boomstone to double the damage? My guess is no as the Boomstone does magical damage, not mundane physical damahe which is what is specifically stated on the Large Rock. Our group went with this as it makes sense and is fair but I'm just checking with the community as Wiz-War can produce some fantastic combos!

Also, just to check, can you use a magic card without a spell value to boost movement by one? I know spells without the value count as "1" and the rules say use spells with a value to boost movement so I'm pretty sure on this but it won't hurt to check just in case there was an errata I missed?



It works exactly as you say except for a nuance, Strength doubles psysical damage (it doesn´t matter if the source is mundane or not), for example, you can double the damage of Ka-Bong!. There are some great combos with Strength, Ka-Bong is one, other can be Dagger, Big man form (with this you can confine him using your body as a wall to hit it more than one turn), Golem Form, Werewolf form, mightstone… and imagine that plus adrenaline, you can obliterate a wizard in one turn XDD

The movement question anser is no, you must discard a card with an energy value printed on it. The basic energy of a spell is 1, but you cannot use this energy to boost because it is an spell not an energy card and you have to boost with an energy card.

I hope it helps complice

Thanks ogid! That's a real help.

My group are addicted to Wiz War!

I´m another addict so… If you have more questions put it here burla

I spent some time doing a house expansion of wiz war, It could be a good way to add some novelty to the game, if you want to give it a chance you can download it from bbg or from here .

Have fun!

Thanks, I'll check it out :)