Hi there, fellow Acolytes. : )
I'm working on a Scum character who will be dual-wielding two full-auto autopistols.
My question to you fellas is, can you use full-auto burst with two auto-pistols at the same time?
So for example, if I'm dual-wielding two autopistols that are both full-auto 5, can I use full-auto burst with both weapons in a single turn?
If yes, does that mean that if I rolled a too-hit of 10 with a
of 60, I'd be landing 10 shots in a single turn of firing (as that would be five degrees of success)?
The core rulebook says in the Full-Auto Burst description that "If you have a pistol in either hand you may fire them both.", but in the two-weapon fighting section of the rulebook and the errata, it states that with the appropriate talents and skills, you can make one attack with both pistols in a single-turn as a full-action.
So which is it? If you have all the required talents- ambidextrous, two-weapon fighter, gunslinger, dual-shot etc, can you fire both pistols on full-auto in a turn, or can you only fire them both as single-shot pistols?
Thanks in advance!
Dual Wielding and Full-Auto Blast
Yes, you can.
It is handled as two separate attacks, with two dice rolls. One for each weapon. Additional DoS give additional hits as normal for each attack, up to the maximum given by the weapons RoF.
You'll have to do some juggeling when reloading both guns, but apart from that you're golden
Edit: Unless your enemies engage you in melee. In that case, you can only make single shots.
Ahaaa. Awesome. Thanks for the quick reply.
One more question- Can you use full-auto burst with two pistols via Duel-Shot as well? What about with Hip-Fire?
No, both of these Talents specify single-shots (Standard Attack) only. The Errata also mentions Dual Shot as "single attack".
Personally, I would allow a character with both these talents to combine those actions, but that would be a House rule.
Edit: We're using the Only War ruleset these days, and the Hip-Shooting Talent in that book is describes as follows:
Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Agility 40
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
The character’s prowess with ranged weapons is such that
they can still fire accurately without their eye behind the
sights. As a Full Action, the character may both move up to
their Full Move rate and make a single attack with a ranged
weapon. This attack can only be a single shot and may not be
a semi- or full-automatic ranged attack.
Characters with the
Two-Weapon Fighting Talent may use this Talent with Hip
Shooting to make two single shots, if they are armed with a
ranged weapon in either hand.
There is no Dual-Shot in OW (it was always a mediochre talent, and rapidly becomes obsolete), so that's worth considering when deciding what Talents are appropriate to require for this to be possible.
I see.
Awesome. Thanks a lot, sir. : )
Dual shot mediciore? I rocks against powefull opponents with high toughness! I love it
(yeah one dodge, and the shot is wasted, but same is true for lascannons, metaguns, and accurate weapons)
Well my group said I can't use full auto with 2 pistols.
Could you guys tell me where I can find it in the rulebook?
Dark Heresy CRB P. 197 "Two-Weapon Fighting"
Dark Heresy Errate 3.0 P. 11 "Appendix I: Combat Talents"
There you find everything you need to clarify further questions on two-weapon fighting. And for your Question, you can fire both Pistols on Full-Auto.