Symbols and Expansion Sets

By BrooklynMike, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

I'm getting back into CoC after a long lay off. I have LONG since tossed the boxes for the expansions, and have no idea how to match up the little symbol next to the letter to the expansions. I need to do this so I can fill in what I don't have. Is there any way to find out which expansion goes to which symbol.

Or alternatively, are there comprehensive card lists for each expansion so I can match the card names to the set ?

Answered muy own question: if anyone is interested or if someone besides me doesn't know, there is

Symbols indicate cycle, number corresponds to the pack (afaik, 1-20 or 19 first pack, 21-40 second etc)

on you can find spoiler lists, this should be more convinient.

And packs from 2 first cycles had 40 cards, next packs have 60 (all cards x3), and first cycle has been reprinted 60, dreamlands are only 40 (and can be not that easy to get).