Hi, the situation below have happened in our games like 3 times now and I haven't found any clear answers on this in the rules or on the forum. So please help if you know how this should be handled:
Hero moves to a Shadow Stronghold, and fights a monster token there. He kills the monster but is left with 1 card in his hand which he cannot use to move away from the location and since it's a SS location he may not rest next turn. So he is basically stuck. I do know that the only way for him is to get auto defeated but here is the trick:
Does he declare himself defeated the current turn or does he have to end his turn there and at the beginning of his next turn defeat himself?
Just as a discussion basis our gaming group decided that he must wait until the next turn to defeat himself because otherwise it would be a very good thing for him to get defeated since he gets teleported to the nearest Heaven and can start his next turn fully healed.