Pre-gens Obligation

By ajtheronin, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Has anyone calculated the Pre-gens (including the 2 on the site) obligation?

Thanks for reading.

Thanks. If I understand the last post Pash alone has around 20 obligation. That's interesting. No one has done the characters on the site then? One of my players is using the technician.

ajtheronin said:

Thanks. If I understand the last post Pash alone has around 20 obligation. That's interesting. No one has done the characters on the site then? One of my players is using the technician.

Pash has base +15, and should have one more non-class skill at 1 rank. If running with 4-5 players, this makes him illegal - unless you allow -5 character points for -5 ob.

Vex is short 25 points - and is base+10 ob for gear. He should get to spend those 25 points on skills and/or raising his attribute of 1 to a 2.

Lowrick is base+5 points for gear. He's fine for up to 6 player games

Oskara should have Cr+50, and has 5 unspent points - take one more career skill at 1. She's base +10 Ob, and thus legal to 5 players.

Matthus should have Cr+50, and has 10 unspent points. He's got +10 Ob.

Sasha is base+15 Ob, and not legal past 3 PC's. Reduce cash to 75, and she's legal to 5 PC's (and has only Base+10 Ob)

2 Atts 2»3 60p
1 att 3»4 40p
10 points unspent, has 2 free non-class skill levels (per human racial ability)
Gear: Cr1075 in stuff, 400 in cash. Cr25 missing from base, Cr25 from "pocket change roll" missing. +10 Ob.

Sasha (Explorer-Scout)
4 atts 2»3 120p (+10 Ob)
7 of 8 skill levels - but has both non-class racial bonus skills (Ranged Heavy, Stealth)! Missing skill is probably the other pilot - space.
Gear: Cr450 Cash Cr400. +5 Ob, missing Cr250 +Cr25 in pocket change.