How to protect Order Tokens?

By BroLuk, in StarCraft

I've bought my SC: TBG about 2 weeks ago. And I have a big problem with Order Tokens. After these 2 weeks (we are playing SC only weekends) some Order Tokens are pretty wear down. If it goes more there nothing left on this tokens. Do you guys know how to protect Order Tokens from this? How are your tokens looking? Anyone has this same problem with wearing down Orders Tokens?

I do have the same problem, to some extent. What I did was take some clear varnish (Games Workshop one) and coated them all in that. Should have done that before they were so worn down though, but luckily, on all of mine you still see what they're supposed to show.

If they're in a really horrible state, you can try contacting FFG for replacements - it might be that they have some lying around, although you can't be sure. Broken miniatures and the likes are (nearly) always replaced very quickly.

I see. How much does it cost? This varnish? I saw one on my game shop. It's name is Purity Seal (Satin Varnish) Spray. It will be ok? Or can I use also normal varnish for nails?

Considering, that when I tested this in Essen two years ago the tokens were already heavily worn out when I played (and they were only used in ONE game before that one) the first thing I did was to cover the tokens with a clear adhesive sheet on both sides when I got my game.

I guess nail varnish will work as well - I only used that for covering the wear-prone Doom dice so far. The Games Workshop varnish (I used that Purity Seal one) is fairly expensive, I did have it already from painting minis - I guess you could use most any kind of varnish as long as it doesn't eat up the paint of the tokens. Which is a small risk I guess.

But I haven't tried anything else. If you want to be certain, try the varnish on a bit of scrap from the cardboard - or if you don't have any of that anymore, a patch on the backside of some token you only or mostly use the front side of.

Big thanks for help haslo. Your advices should help to save this damned tokens in good condition. I will think about buying GW varnish. Thanks again mate.

I have the same problem, only with Jim Raynor however. I have the game since almost a year and I can still see what's on them. You could draw back the logo before coating them. That would give them back a youthful look! lol

If you want to try a coating product that you're not sure if it will damage the finnish on the cardboard, see if you have any of the big cardboard peices that you had to punch the play pieces out of and try putting the coating product on that. You'll get an idea of what effect (if any) that it will have on the smaller pieces.

I will get new tokens to game from my shop where I ordered SC: TBG. They said they have unused, packed tokens and they don't need.

Instead using any varnish, try to use coin holders. You don't risk damaging your tokens with them. They are quite cheap, replaceable, very durable, waterproof, easy to clean... Unfortunately, they make tokens thicker and a bit bigger, and it's possible that they may slide on order stack during game.

29.5mm diameter (internal) should be enough.

I'm going to put all my Order tokens into such round plastic coin holders.

Has anyone tried that before?

cyb3k said:

Instead using any varnish, try to use coin holders. You don't risk damaging your tokens with them. They are quite cheap, replaceable, very durable, waterproof, easy to clean... Unfortunately, they make tokens thicker and a bit bigger, and it's possible that they may slide on order stack during game.

29.5mm diameter (internal) should be enough.

I'm going to put all my Order tokens into such round plastic coin holders.

Has anyone tried that before?

I keep all my tokens for this (and other) games in those plastic modular tackboxes you can get at most sporting stores. I haven't had any problems with tokens wearing out, although admitedly I haven't actually played my SC game as much as I'd have liked.

Mine are pretty worn. Unfortunately they got that way before I realized there was a problem. Now I just hope it doesn't get noticed because the wear patterns can be used to gain information.

For instance special order tokens tend to have less wear because they are used less frequently.

The coin holder is a great idea, thanks! My tokens are wearing a bit, but I do store them in plastic Plano boxes with the rest of the tokens.

It might be possible to get coin holders that stack securely...