Anarchy Deck (Noise)

By TheRedArmy, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

This deck is a re-build of a previous Noise deck focused entirely around viruses. The previous build included literally no icebreakers and was an attempt at a Noise control deck. By which I mean, I control what the corp gets by running R&D and deciding whether or not to play a virus in order to mill the card. I found that I had little control over what I could actually do - as soon as a ice was put down, I had to wait for a parasite in order to get past it. Should it be an agenda in a remote server, I had no way to break in before it was scored.

So I've rebuilt it with a slight change - a bit more money (another problem I noticed), an icebreaker for each type, and a few fewer viruses.

Anarchy Deck

Identity: Noise (45 cards, 15 influence

Events (18 cards, 11 influence)

1x Account Siphon (4 influence)

2x Modded (4 influence)

3x Easy Mark (3 influence)

3x Sure Gamble

3x Infiltration

3x Demolition Run

3x Deja Vu

Hardware (6 cards, 2 influence)

2x Rabbit Hole (2 influence)

1x Grimoire

3x Cyberfeeder

Programs (15 cards, 0 influence)

1x Yog.0

2x Parasite

1x Mimic

2x Medium

3x Imp

3x Djinn

2x Datasucker

1x Corroder

Resources (6 cards, 2 influence)

1x Aesop's Pawnshop

1x Wyldside

1x Ice Carver

3x Armitage Codebusting

Getting the Icebreakers themselves will be difficult. I think I'll probably mill through my own deck quickly early on to get the cards I need to really get it going. Ice Carver and Parasite along with Datasucker take care of ICE collectively, and once I get things going, I suspect runs on R&D )particularly with Medium) along with Imp can take care of future ICE problems. Diesel would really help things here, but I'm concerned about money more than draw power. Perhaps misguidedly. Thanks to RnDAccessGranted's youtube videos - he originally suggested the idea of a Noise deck that could control the corp through viruses and trashing what he liked from R&D.

Why are you using a full suite of breakers?

Crypsis is a virus and will deal with any ice rather than needing to draw the correct breaker.
