Original holiday module now available from Threat Detected Podcast

By Barefoottourguide, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Threat Detected Podcast, d20radio.com's live play Star Wars Saga podcast, is proud to announce the release of our first Edge of the Empire fan-produced module. Just in time for your New Year's Day party, download How the Grrth Stole Christmas . This light-hearted romp through holiday special memory lane will bring great laughs and lots of fun for your friends and family as you encounter some of the biggest names on Tatooine.

The module comes with a set of six pregenerated characters, an opening script for the players to read, lyrics to a Life Day carol, links to video multimedia and mp3 files to enhance your gaming experience.

Download the module, handout pdf and multimedia from here .

Happy New Year!


Glorious! I love it.

I'm curious as to what software you used to create the handouts and the layout of the adventure (graphic-wise)? Was it simply MS-Word or you used another software like Adobe InDesign?

Most of the artwork was created with Adobe Photoshop. The whole thing was pieced together in Pagemaker 6.


Barefoottourguide said:

Most of the artwork was created with Adobe Photoshop. The whole thing was pieced together in Pagemaker 6.



Having played through a portion of it, one adversary note to anyone checking this adventure out is that it's not an entirely serious module. In fact, it's rather tongue in cheek, with a high degree of silliness. So GMs who prefer more serious fare, or have players that aren't inclined towards purely comedic adventures, this may not be to the liking of you or your players.

However, if you're willing to put serious, or even semi-serious, gaming mindsets aside, it's a fairly fun Holiday-themed romp. Just make sure the players know what they're getting into.

Good call, Dono. It is very light-hearted, intended for gaming at a party, letting the Wookiee's hair down and all that jizz.
