On March 14th, The Gamers Den in Cambridge, MN, will be holding a demo event for Tribune. It will start sometime in the last afternoon, and last as long as we have interested players. The person doing the demo is planning on sticking around the entire evening, so you should have an opportuniry to attend and learn (or play) Tribune.
Tribune Demo in Cambridge, MN on March 14th
So another thread is talking about the expansion, and this about the demo. Is this a demo for the expansion then? confusing. But it's not even in my state... soo...
No, this is actually just for the main game, as I recently acquired a copy.
And, this post is actually meant to let prospective players know that the gentleman doing the demo will now be doing it on Tuesday, March 17th (St. Patrick's Day) instead, as his job switched his days off on him. Demo time will be 6:00pm.
sounds like a great game , i'm tempted .