In regards to Battering Ram..

By Ignatz_Von_Zwakh, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

I'm just curious as to whether the "2 creds: Break 2 barrier subroutines" ability carries over to the next piece of ice in the case of their only being one subroutine broken. No? Yes? I get the impression that it doesn't, I mean, ever card-playing bit of me feels that it wouldn't. However, I've met some disagreement in my little circle of Netrunner players. Any clarification would help.

Ignatz_Von_Zwakh said:

I'm just curious as to whether the "2 creds: Break 2 barrier subroutines" ability carries over to the next piece of ice in the case of their only being one subroutine broken. No? Yes? I get the impression that it doesn't, I mean, ever card-playing bit of me feels that it wouldn't. However, I've met some disagreement in my little circle of Netrunner players. Any clarification would help.

No, you must pay each time you break a barrier subroutine.

Only the strenght "1 [Credit]: +1 strength for the remainder of this run" is carried on.

Thank ye. That's what I posited, but nooooo, no-one believes me coz I'm the one winning. >_>