Yes, obviously, as that's what happens whenever you go over 10 corruption. No avoiding it. Ever.
Khorne Berzerkers and their lot - just how aligned are they?
Further question: if the character is aligned (say a Khorne Berzerker) is the GotG done with him as Unaligned or Aligned? I ask because it says "begins plays aligned," not "is already aligned during character creation."
Edited by bogi_khaosaYou always check alignment before rolling for gifts/rewards, so obviously he'll count as aligned to khorne.
Edited by BrotharTearerNot meaning to drag this on forever, but -- would his initial Advancements be bought using the Khorne alignment?
Advanced archetypes get no starting xp unless the GM gives him additional. And then, yes, of course — he starts as aligned. Nothing else would make sense.