I was curious if the "Proof of Purchase" token in the token set was a nod to the old Star Wars action figures (where you could trade them in for stuff) or are they actually worth something?
Proof of Purchase Token
Dustin said:
I was curious if the "Proof of Purchase" token in the token set was a nod to the old Star Wars action figures (where you could trade them in for stuff) or are they actually worth something?
These tokens are in all the various boardgames that I've bought from FFG, not just this Beginner's box.
Oh… now I feel dumb… oh well
It's EXACTLY what it is, a "Proof of Purchase". Pretty much any FFG game with punchable tokens saves one square for it. It's to verify that you actually bought the game if the question of ownership was ever to come up. Like if you were asking for replacement materials FFG might ask for that proof of purchase (but in my experience I've never had them ask).
It's more of a "just in case" kind of thing.