Reynhart question (valor)

By sheriffharry, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Question about Reynhart (new hero from lair of Wyrm):

Can valor token be given to/used by OTHER heroes ?

I would think so, because:

The Horn of Courage let you give a valor token to ANOTHER hero.

The VALOR of Heroes card says: Brefore rolling…, A hero may spend 1 valor to add…

Correct ?

If not who else, apart from reynhart, could use the new token ??


sheriffharry said:

Question about Reynhart (new hero from lair of Wyrm):

Can valor token be given to/used by OTHER heroes ?

I don't think that heroes are allowed to trade valor tokens back and forth, if that's what you're asking. However, valor tokens can certainly be given to allies by some Champion skills, so it's definitely possible that other heroes will have them to spend at various points throughout the game.

sheriffharry said:

If not who else, apart from reynhart, could use the new token ??

Just a small technical note: the Champion class is not restricted to Reynhart alone. Any Warrior archetype hero can pick it.

Any hero can use valor tokens as long as a Champion is in the group. He basically provides additional abilities to his fellow heroes. It works like this: some trigger allows a valor token to be given to a hero or the Champion himself, once a valor token is in a hero's possession that player may use ANY SKILL that the Champion possesses which requires a valor token(s). In the base configuration this means if a player - ANY player - possesses a valor token they may "cash in" a token for +1 damage on an attack roll. Other skills allow more advanced use including the ability to swap tokens for grey defense dice. Once you get the concept it's a pretty sweet system. Hit the below link for FFG's Champion summary: