Can we make the SWRPGIcons font available?

By Darian Ocana, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

I was pulling the vectors of the dice symbols from the sticker sheet to use in a project I'm working on. When I opened the "Long Arm of the Hutt", I noticed that the symbols are also included in a font named SWRPGIcons.

So my question, or request (begging actually :) ) for the powers that be, can the font be made available for private/non-commercial use for fan projects for EotE?


Hopefully this would also include the coloured images that are used in the body text of the book to indicate the dice names.

Well, I was able to extract the fonts from the PDF, but only see the D12 in the TTF for the dice symbols. Not sure where the other symbols are hiding. Maybe in the CFF files that I extracted. Granted, WingDings has a square to use for the Setback and Boost dice.

And the extraction also got part of the Aurubesh type (the Star Wars Basic character language) since FFG used some of them in the various documents. I just wish I knew more about the file formats to merge the different ones together to create a more complete set.

More than likely, FFG won't be releasing those fonts. LFL is pretty particularly about it's product identity; there's a reason why some of the well-received aspects of Saga Edition, such as the Condition Track, can't be used in D&D.

Since said font for the dice symbols is part and parcel of a Star Wars RPG, it'd probably fall under the same category. It'd be akin to asking FFG to make the basic rules of the game available for free.

Darian Ocana said:

Many thanks to Aazlain for developing an Open Type font with all of the dice symbols. Thank you!

Those interested will find the thread where he introduced the font here:

Pleasure is mine Darian.

If anybody else is interested in the glyphs, I've added a download link to my signature.

Here is the character map for reference:


The scale and baseline shoud correspond to what's been printed in the books but but there is still room for improvement when it comes to spacing before/after the glyphs.


This is amazing. Thank you so much for your work on this!

Is there a link to the actual font or just the symbols. I seem to be missing it if there is a link…

Is there a link to the actual font or just the symbols. I seem to be missing it if there is a link…

Same here. Can't find the font?

I would also like that font if it is still available.

HI all, I am also looking for this font. I lost it while changing PCs.

Can anybody repost this font please?

Still in Aazlain's signature.

This is the most amazing thing every. A really wonderful resource. Thank you so much, Aazlain


Aazlain, thank you very much.

This will really help in making scenarios and such.

Thank you Aazlain! :D

Thank you very much, Aazlain!

And thank you Darian Ocana for posting the question! :]