Collateral damage

By blarknob, in StarCraft

I received this clarification from Corey today on Collateral damage. Seems there will be no shenanigans with collateral damage canceling bunker and whatnot.

"I can see how my answer was not very clear.

My original intention is that Collateral damage happens AFTER all

skirmishes. I previously answered this the other way around, but have

decided that after all skirmishes is best.

I apologize for the confusion.

-Corey Konieczka

Fantasy Flight Games

Design and Development"

Surely that makes alot of sense. Thanks Blarknob and Corey.

That's what I supposed. Really good decision, it should help to balance the game. And it means that Collateral Damage destroying base works exactly like infesting CC.

So it means immediately after skirmishes? So since splash damage is resolved later the unit may be killed by splash damage and still inflict collateral damage?

Not exactly. It is vice versa. The unit deals its collateral damage and is then killed by splash damage gui%C3%B1o.gif

Treat Collateral Damage as a new step between "Resolve Skirmishes" and "Resolve Splash".

Okay this is something weird if you try to imagine it, as if Splash damage would wait for anything after front line damage was dealt. Of course if you go for real life splash damage should be dealt at the same time. It doesn't matters if you are the one how is in the centre of the explosion or the one at the edge, it hits you on the same time.

But this is a game mechanic, surely an interesting one, although not a very realistic one.

It's a question of game balancing. Regarding Collateral Damage I could argue it is not realistic that the Tank has to survive the skirmish, it should only have to fire. But this would be overpowered. On the other hand waiting for Splash would be to weak - so they fitted it into the time gap between flu-damage and Splash damage.

I think this works great for this game gran_risa.gif

It's like if the lurker's attack crawls toward the tank in siege mode... but the tank has just enough time to shoot it's howitzer! The lurker crushes the tank to bits while the falling shell dooms the base!!!

Wow, I could write a novel! lol

Yeah, really poetic :D But I think that step is the most logical one, too.