Hello everyone,
I was wondering if you could do me a big favor and help me make a "to buy" list for my entry into Dust Warfare. A few of my other friends are already playing and I've decided to join. At this point, I think I'll be choosing The Axis as my faction.
So here's the thing: In pretty much every experience with new table top miniature games I've gotten into, it starts out with buying some stuff you think seems cool. Then some of works for you and some of it doesn't. You stop playing with the stuff that doesn't work, then buy more stuff to fill in the gaps. Then you reach a new level of understanding in the game and pretty much now know what style of play is fun for you and the models that would be good for it. However that requires almost replacing 75% of your current collection and so you buy more.
Now, I know you probably can't bypass all of that but I'd like to mitigate as much as that process as I can. I want to buy an army that resembles what the "future me who has played this game for a year" would buy. Why? Well, because I have so many friends who each play a different game and I've already spent a ton of money buying models for the other games and going on those journeys.
Could you please help me buy a set of models that'll get me most of the way there and won't having me rebuying an entire new army 5 months from now? I really would like to save money this time.
So here's what I'm looking for: An Axis army list that I will use a shopping list. The list is made at the usual point level most people play at (I don't know what that is). It doesn't have to be the most minmax hardcore list that is the "Scissors" to most people's "Paper" and sometimes sees a "Rock". But if that's what is good then that's fine too. Mostly, I'm looking for a fun to play, well rounded list that is good for most games. True, in most games, there's no such thing as the perfect "all comers" list, I realize that. That's okay. Just a general well rounded list is okay. If you could recommend me a list like that, I'd be very grateful.